
Last updated 24 January 2025

Swidge Fees

Infinex does not charge platform fees for Swidge transactions, except for the estimated network (gas) cost of the transaction.

The estimated gas amount (in USD) is collected when the user undertakes a transaction, and is transferred to an Infinex Council-controlled Gas Offset Account, used to fund gas fees for other applicable transactions in Infinex.

Infinex will cover the network cost of transactions undertaken by Infinex Patrons (those who hold at least one locked or unlocked Patron NFT in their Infinex Account) except:

  • Swidge transactions from Ethereum Mainnet
  • When "Priority mode" is enabled by the user

Fees charged by any directly integrating protocols (including but not limited to Lifi, Mayan, Jupiter) are included in the quoted exchange rate.

Minimum Swidge Transaction SizeAmount
Ethereum Mainnet$200
All other networks$1

The Infinex Council reserves the right to modify these fees, and the way in which they are charged, at any time at its sole discretion.