How to Craterun

Craterun Basics

  • Craterun is a yield farming campaign in which you deposit and stake supported assets into your Infinex Account to earn Crates.
  • There are 5 million crates to be distributed over the course of the Craterun campaign which runs for approximately 5 weeks from 25 June 00:00 UTC until 30 July 00:00 UTC.
  • The more you deposit and stake (your "staked amount"), the faster you earn crates.
  • With skill, timing, and careful attention, you can increase your staked amount when the market goes up.
  • Your staked amount is protected if the market goes down (see Staked Amount Lock below).
  • As you earn whole Crates, you can open them to reveal if they contain a prize.
  • Opening crates is an onchain action that uses Pyth's onchain Entropy contract to randomly allocate a prize, with crates containing a prize 50% of the time.
  • Prizes won will be redeemable after the end of the Craterun campaign.

Supported Assets

Craterun supports a number of new assets for staking.
View all supported assets


50% of crates contain a prize. The potential prizes are:

  • Patron NFT
    An IOU redeemable for a free Patron NFT.
  • Patron Passes
    Guarantees an opportunity to purchase a Patron NFT.
  • Patron Tickets
    Provides access to the Patron NFT sale.
  • Ecosystem prizes
    IOUs redeemable for the corresponding prize. Ecosystem prizes are provided by partners and projects.
  • Boosts
    Boosts inflate the user's staked amount for the sole purpose of earning crates. Boosts come in denominations of $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, and $1,000,000. Boosts are not free-money bonuses and can't be withdrawn.

Please note that Patron NFTs and Ecosystem prizes will be redeemable after the end of the Craterun campaign.

Getting Started

  • Deposit supported assets into your Infinex Account.
  • Once your deposit arrives, you'll have an amount "available to stake" on the Craterun page.
  • Stake the available amount. If you don't stake your available amount you won't earn crates.
  • Once staked, your "staked amount" will be displayed and you'll start earning crates.
  • You'll see your progress towards earning your first whole crate. The time it takes to earn a crate is dependent on your staked balance. The more you stake, the faster you'll earn.
  • When you earn your first whole crate (and after crate opening is enabled), the "Open crate" button will become active.
  • Open the crate to reveal if it contains a prize.
    • Opening a crate is an onchain action that uses Pyth's onchain Entropy contract to ensure randomness. Once completed you'll see a notification with a transaction link.
    • If you have have earned more than one crate, pressing the "open" button will open all crates and reveal their contents.
  • If the opened crate contains a prize, the prize will be displayed on screen.
    • If you've won a Boost, you'll see that the corresponding amount is now "available to stake". Stake it to apply the boost.
    • If you've won any other prize, it will be automatically added to your Infinex Account and displayed on the Craterun page. Prizes will be distributed after the end of the Craterun campaign.
  • You will keep earning crates while you have a staked amount greater than 0.

Additional deposits and staking

  • At any time you can deposit and stake more supported assets.
  • The more you deposit and stake, the faster you earn crates.

Staked amount lock

  • In addition to USDC and USDe, your Infinex Account now supports a number of new assets, including volatile assets (see all supported assets).
  • As a result, your Infinex Account balance is now displayed as a USD equivalent and is updated in the app interface approximately every 15 seconds, using a third party price feed.
  • Will my staked amount fluctuate with the market price of my deposited assets? No, not in Craterun!
  • During Craterun, if the market value of your deposited assets increases, you'll have the option to stake the difference and thereby increase your staked amount.
  • However, if the market value of your assets goes down, your staked amount will not decrease.
  • We call this the "staked amount lock", meaning your staked amount is protected from downswings.


  • Some crates contain boosts which will temporarily increase ("boost") your staked balance. Because crate earning is based on your staked amount, boosts will also mean you earn crates faster.
  • For example: you deposited 1,000 USDC during Speedrun the Waitlist, and earned the 25% Speedrun boost worth $250. During Craterun, you wish to withdraw your USDC, deposit an equivalent amount of SOL and keep your Speedrun boost. So long as you deposit and stake at least $1,000 worth of SOL within the four hour window, your $250 Speedrun boost will be maintained.
  • Boosts have no monetary value and cannot be withdrawn. They exclusively serve the purpose of the user accruing additional crates.

Speedrun Boost

  • If you participated in the Speedrun the Waitlist campaign, and haven't withdrawn any assets, you've earned a one time boost worth 25% of your staked balance at the end of Speedrun the Waitlist.
  • For example: if you had a staked balance of 1,000 when Speedrun ended, you will have a $250 Speedrun boost automatically applied in Craterun.
  • The only thing you need to do to "use" your Speedrun boost is stake the available amount when Craterun staking opens.
  • Please note that if you withdrew any assets between the end of Speedrun and the start of Craterun, your Speedrun boost is permanently lost and can't be restored.

Referral Boosts

  • You must maintain a wallet balance of $50 USD (equivalent) or more to be eligible for referral boosts.
  • Boosts for referrers
    • When you refer a user who signs up using your referral code, you will earn a boost equal to 15% of their deposited and staked amount.
    • For example: when a user that you refer deposits and stakes $1,000 in Craterun, you will get a boost worth $150.
    • If the user you referred withdraws their assets, your referral boost (and your staked balance) will be reduced accordingly.
    • Your referral boost will be updated daily to reflect the amounts deposited and staked by users who signed up using your referral code. New referral boosts must be staked to earn crates!
  • Boosts for referees
    • If you sign up using a referral link, you will earn a boost equal to 5% of your total amount(s) deposited before the first stake.
    • For example: if you deposit $1,000 and then stake for the first time, you will receive a boost worth $50.
    • Initial deposit boosts are subject to the same withdrawal penalty and amnesty as all other boosts.

Withdrawal penalty

  • Staked assets are not locked in during the Craterun period and you can withdraw assets at any time.
  • However, you're incentivised not to withdraw your assets during Craterun.
  • During the campaign, each time you withdraw any amount of any asset on any chain, you will immediately lose all currently active boosts, and your staked amount will be set to zero, meaning you will no longer earn crates unless and until you stake again.
  • Following a withdrawal you can re-stake any remaining deposit balance (or new deposit balance) and continue to earn crates as normal.
  • Any boosts you acquire subsequently will work as normal.
  • Withdrawals do not affect earned crates or other prizes.

Withdrawal amnesty period

  • There is a way to avoid the withdrawal penalty.
  • The amnesty period allows you to withdraw one asset type (eg, USDC) and deposit a different one (eg, SOL), without permanently losing earned boosts.
  • As above, when you withdraw any amount of any asset on any chain, you will immediately lose all currently active boosts, and your staked amount will be set to zero.
  • At this point, you will enter an amnesty window which will be clearly displayed as a red banner across the Craterun interface.
  • During an amnesty window, you have four hours from the time of withdrawal to get your staked amount back up to the level it was at prior to your withdrawal. You can do this by depositing additional assets, and these can be different assets than the ones you withdrew.
  • The amount you need to re-stake will be clearly displayed in the amnesty window banner at the top of the page, along with the remaining time.
  • If you satisfy the amnesty criteria within the allowed time, any previously active boosts, which were lost as a result of the most recent withdrawal, will be immediately restored.
  • For example: say you deposited 1,000 USDC during Speedrun the Waitlist, and you earned the 25% Speedrun boost, worth $250. But in Craterun, you want to withdraw your USDC and deposit an equivalent amount of SOL, and you want to keep your Speedrun boost. As long as you deposit and stake at least $1,000 worth of SOL within the four hour window, your $250 Speedrun boost will be restored.
  • You can use the amnesty period more than once during Craterun.

Redeeming prizes after Craterun ends

  • Except for boosts, prizes that you win during Craterun, including Patron NFTs and Ecosystem prizes, will be redeemable after the end of the Craterun campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions